53 days ago Tate went to be with the Lord. It doesnt seem that long ago. Everyday I miss him just as much as I did the day he left. He was such a fighter. Hes been in heaven 53days.... I cant imagine the beauty or wonders he has seen. I know he is being loved on by our Lord and Savior and so many loved ones.
What is it like? Ive said before I wish heaven had visiting hours. I wish I could see what he sees. I want to know who he talks to. Can you imagine the conversations hes has with Noah, about his big boat, Peter, Paul or my Grandaddy, who I hope tells him all about what I was like as a child and David grandparents that tell him what his daddy was like too OR Jesus who tells him all the reason why he was born, and how much He loved him. He love him so much that He knew Tate would be a perfect vessel. I wonder if Mary or Hannah hold him. Does Hannah know the baby she holds was prayed for just as she prayed for her son, Samuel. I have tears streaming down my face as I imagine this. She prayed and gave her son to the Lord just as I did. 27 I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. 28 So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.” Tates whole life, for 53 days Tate served a great purpose. I knew that everyday he was here, he was here for a reason. He was here to used by the Lord. He never said one word but he showed the Lords Power, Grace, Mercy and Love! It has been a hard road, and the journey isnt over. I wouldnt trade his 53 days or the 39 weeks and 4 days that I carried him or even this unimaginable pain I feel everyday for anything in this world. Being Tates mommy, even though it was a short time, it made be a better person and Tate is worth every bit of it. I wish with everything I have in me that I was still holding him. I wish I could just feel his skin and hold his little hands one more time. He fought for 53 days and now he is in the most amazing place where there is no pain! I know he felt our love but now he feels the ultimate LOVE! What brings me comfort and peace now is knowing one day, I will hold him for all eternity! So Tate, you just let Sweet Jesus hold you til Mommy and Daddy can. I will hold you soon!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
In Honor of Tate, Please Donate to the Save-A-Life East in lieu of flowers
As many of you know, whenever a couple finds out that their unborn child will have a fatal disease the world will place upon them a burdensome feeling about their special gift from God and abortion is chosen as option too often. Christina & David chose to remain faithful with their beautiful miracle baby and recognized him as a gift and not a burden.
In remembrance of Tate they are asking that you donate to Save-A-Life, a Christian Organization in Birmingham that aims "To help men and women embrace the Truth of God's Word as they make Life-affirming decisions about their unborn child." You can click HERE to donate. Make sure to put in the comment box that you are donating to Save-A-Life EAST in honor of Tate Jones and give them David & Christina's address which is 409 Tupelo Way, Birmingham, AL 35215.
You can send checks to:
Save A Life EAST Inc,
1120 Gadsden Highway
Birmingham, AL 35235-3116
-Be sure to put In Honor Of Tate Jones on your checks, please.
Thank you, God Bless!
Save-A-Life EAST Website
In remembrance of Tate they are asking that you donate to Save-A-Life, a Christian Organization in Birmingham that aims "To help men and women embrace the Truth of God's Word as they make Life-affirming decisions about their unborn child." You can click HERE to donate. Make sure to put in the comment box that you are donating to Save-A-Life EAST in honor of Tate Jones and give them David & Christina's address which is 409 Tupelo Way, Birmingham, AL 35215.
You can send checks to:
Save A Life EAST Inc,
1120 Gadsden Highway
Birmingham, AL 35235-3116
-Be sure to put In Honor Of Tate Jones on your checks, please.
Thank you, God Bless!
Save-A-Life EAST Website
Tate David Jones Obituary
Tate David Jones
June 7, 2011 – July 30, 2011
Tate David Jones, 7 weeks old, of Birmingham Alabama went to be with our Lord Jesus Christ on Saturday July 30th, 2011. Tate had a chromosome disease known as Trisomy 18 that affects the development of the heart and lungs. 50% of Trisomy 18 babies are stillborn, but God had a different plan for Baby Tate’s life. His mother Christina (Cricket) and father David remained faithful throughout the pregnancy and prayed that God would use Tate’s life, even though the length of it would be uncertain. Christina chronicled their journey on her blog, http://www.thesoutherncricket.blogspot.com/, which grew to over 3,000 followers. Tate’s life and the Jones faith has touched thousands and the family finds comfort in knowing that even though he lived for only 53 days, God was given the glory for his life and his death. We pray that through Tate's life you grow closer to God knowing that through Him come life and death and peace. We find the ultimate comfort in knowing that Tate saw the face and held the hand of our loving Savior, as he was welcomed into eternal glory with our Heavenly father. A Memorial Service will be held August 7th at 3PM at East Memorial Baptist Church in Prattville, Alabama. Tate was laid to rest at Forest Crest Cemetery in Birmingham on Wednesday August 3rd. Tate is survived by his two faithful parents, David & Christina Jones, and two loving siblings, Kevin James Jones, 4, and Allie Faith Jones, 2. Tate is also survived by his Grandparents: Mike & AnnaMae Jones, Danny & Gretchen Loftin, Uncles: Chase & Clay Loftin, Timothy & Joshua & Stephen & Samuel & Joseph Jones, Heath Gray, Wes Thompson, Oscar Hernandez, Aunts: Courtney & Chelsea Loftin, Jennifer & Carolyn & Krystal Jones, Sarah Thompson, and Rebekah Hernandez, Great Aunts: Brooke (Craig) Curlee, Laura (Dale) Hepworth, Delain (Randell) Smith, Deb McCurdy, Diane (Bob) Brooke, Janeen (Larry) Moore, Lorie (Jim) Reinhold and Great Uncles: Randy (Sherry) Jones, David Sandford, and John (Donna) Sandford, and numerous cousins.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Tate David Jones June 7, 2011 - July 30, 2011
My name is Clay Loftin, I am Christina's brother and one of Tate's uncles. Christina asked me to update her blog and inform you that yesterday our precious Baby Tate has gone to be with the Lord.
On Friday Tate was having a difficult time with breathing and staying calm. Christina believed that Tate's time with us was coming to an end. David and Christina, as they have always done, loved and comforted Tate while continually praying for him and relying on God for strength. On Saturday afternoon around 2:45 Tate left this world and went to be with our loving Savior.
Knowing that Tate's time with us was limited does not make the loss any easier to bare, but comfort comes from knowing that David, Christina, and Tate were faithful with what time they were given and God was given the glory for Tate's life and his death. We look forward to the day that we will be eternally reunited with him in Heaven.
Many members of the family went to be with David, Christiana, and their family last night to comfort them and see Tate before the arrangements were made. The family is praying for peace and understanding to surround David and Christina in the coming moments, days, and weeks. I know that you all will continue in your love and support of them as we begin to grow and heal.
She knows that many of you may have heard but wanted to update you because she cares for each and every one of you that follow her here on her blog. You have all been a testament to the purpose of Tate's life as you have prayed for him, wept for him, and searched for God in this situation. We pray that through Tate's life you have grown closer to God knowing that through Him comes life and death and peace. We find the ultimate comfort in knowing that yesterday Tate saw the face and held the hand of our loving Savior as he was welcomed into eternal glory with our Heavenly father. From my heart and hers, thank you for your diligent prayers, thoughts, and love.
In Christ,
Uncle Clay
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Tates Birth Story
On June 7th 2011, David and I woke up knowing we would be meeting the little boy who changed our lives. After months and months of planning, we were finally going to put all of our plans in to motion. We felt so much peace as we drove to the hospital. I believed with all my heart that the Lord would give us what we asked... time with Tate. There was no way to predict what was going to take place that day. All we could do was have faith and total trust that the Lord would guide us through it all!
Before we got out of the car, we prayed the Lord would wraps His arms around us and that His Will would be done.
We got up to the 3rd floor and went into our room. I put the gown on and got in the bed. We then started my IV. The nurse told us that she read our birth plan for comfort care only. I was so pleased that everyone that had anything to do with Tate's birth took the time to read and understand our wishes. We had several doctors come in at first. While I was getting my epidural, David went downstairs to give family and friends an update and to call our grief counselor, and photographer.
My labor was progressing a lot slower than I thought I would. After what seemed to be forever, my nurse broke my water. In that moment reality set in....he was coming! There was no turning back. 12:00 passed, 2:00 passed, 4:00 passed. I was still at 4 cm. I started to feel this terrible pain in my back. We were about to meet Tate face to face. All the sudden there was a shift in the atmosphere. Nurses and doctors were in and out. Our nurse checked Tate's heart rate one last time before I started to push. It was 140, as it had been all day. I don't remember how long I pushed or how many people were in the room, I just remember closing my eyes and praying. As each contraction came, I pushed and prayed. At 6:14pm Tate was born! I remember opening my eyes and through the tears I saw his tiny body. The doctor was holding him and one of his eyes was open. I put my arms out to hold him and she put him on my chest. Then, our nurse said the worst words I've ever heard...."He’s already gone. I can’t find a heartbeat. I'm so sorry."- The next four minutes would be the worst and longest of our lives.
David just wrapped his arms around Tate and I. We cried and we loved on him....our hearts were broken. For that small moment the world faded away and I was holding my baby. The baby I prayed for, the baby that changed our lives and so many others. I was holding my Tate but he was gone. He was safe in the arms of Jesus.
I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him.- 1 Samuel 1:27
I felt this unexplainable peace. Something I will never me be able to fully describe. I stopped crying. It was like an out of body experience. Like the world was spinning but I was still. I remember hearing lots of crying. Crying from David, crying from all the nurses and doctors. I finally pulled myself together to look at our little miracle. But before I looked at Tate, I gave thanks to the Lord. I remember telling God even though Tate was in the arm of Jesus, I was grateful He had chosen me to be his mommy and that I wasn’t mad that his time on earth was short. As I pulled my head away from David to look at Tate, he moved! The nurse came right over to us. She felt his cord and said, "he has a heartbeat, it's not strong but it's there. Let's rub his back."
Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act. Psalm 37:7
She then asked if I wanted her to take him over to the warmer and put oxygen in his face. She knew that oxygen was as far as we would go because we had chosen Comfort Care. I wanted him to be comfortable. I watched as David talked to Tate and touched his hands and toes. Every so often he would look at me and shake his head yes and lip... "he’s breathing, he’s ok". God had brought him back to us! David carried Tate over to me and his eyes were open. He was perfect and he was ALIVE!
And Live, Let him live. Psalm 72:15
We knew we were moment by moment with him but that was the last thing on my mind. I wanted the kids to meet him! Kevin and Allie Faith came in to meet and love on him. After that our family came in a few at a time. I felt I couldn't stop smiling. We had been blessed and God had done a miracle. Before our nurse left she said...”God was in this room". I was amazed that God used our tiny son to show His infinite power.
After Davids family left, we had a few more people that wanted to meet Tate but he started having a difficult time breathing. He was grunting. So all 20 of the NICU doctors came in- I cannot begin to tell you how scared I was. They took Tate from me to give him more oxygen and put him under the warmer. They all had our birth plan in their back pockets. It was hard to concentrate and understand everything they were saying and focus on Tate. It was all I could do to not to fall apart in front of them. They gave Tate back to me and said- "just love on him as much as you can." They walked out the door and I fell apart! I cried and cried. I couldn't stop. I felt I wasn't strong enough to let go. All those months and months of preparing went out the window. A new nurse came in and wanted to move us to the 6th floor recovery. I couldn't move! I finally got myself together long enough to get my clothes on and go to the 6th floor. David pushed Tate in the bassinet and I got in a wheel chair. The nurses were so wonderful they did everything we asked and more. A NICU doctor came up to check on us. She was so kind and very understanding. She told me she read our birth plan and thought it was so touching.... Not one detail was left out. She said if we needed anything she would be there. That night I didn't sleep. I don't think I slept the whole time we were there. That night was the hardest. I felt like I was just waiting for the end to happen. A NICU doctor would come in every 4 hours and check his heart rate and oxygen saturation levels. His numbers looked good and he started to eat! We were feeding him with a syringe. Most of hospital stay is a blur. We had lots of visitors and no sleep. The NICU doctors suggested we have a hospice program help us when we go home. WHEN WE GO HOME!?! I was overwhelmed with love for the Lord. The Lord was giving us what we asked of Him... time.
The LORD has granted me what I asked of him.- 1 Samuel 1:27
When we got home, my mom had bathed the kids and they were ready for Tate. I was overwhelmingly happy that we were going to be able to spend time with with our miracle.
Tates journey isn't over. He has come a long way...while some days are harder that others, each day is a blessing!!! We have had 39 days with Tate so far. Everyday Tate is fulfilling his purpose but ultimately God's purpose!
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
We're Home!
We know the Lord has a great purpose for Tate! We are moment by moment with him. Each moment is a gift from God! This has been a roller coaster ride! Its so so hard, there are no words to describe it, i dont think I would be able to! We love him so much and love spending the precious moments with him! we thank you for your prayers. What a mighty God we serve! When I get more time will tell his story! Thank you thank you for your prayers!!! please continue to pray! Tate has come a long way and some days are harder than others! I'm so tired physically and emotionally, as is David! We have a 24 hour hospice, nurse here. He is on oxygen a lot because it makes him more comfortable and thats all we want for him! We want to show him what it means to be loved and we are doing it every minute of the day! Please keep our family in your prayers we have a long, unknown road ahead!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Giving Tate what he deserves
This past week has been rough to say the least. I have been debating on whether or not to set up a place for Tate. I know youve heard me say I cant set up a crib so I decided to set up the pack n' play. I have put blankets and the stuffed animals Kevin and Allie Faith are going to give their baby brother in there. I put a quote up that my sweet in laws gave us when we first found out Tate diagnoses. It says "Everyday Hold A Possibility Of A Miracle". Its so true!
I know some will think that Im setting myself up for disappointment BUT I feel Tate deserves a mommy and daddy that have hope of healing! Tate deserves so much more than I have been giving! So I have set up a place to have if we bring him home even if its for a short time! Thats what Im Hoping and PRAYING for! That I have time with my son!
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waiting for a picture |
Monday, March 7, 2011
Yesterday we had our maternity photo shoot with the most talented photographer in the world, Natalie Spargo.
I will cherish these pictures for the rest of my life.
So many emotions ran through me while we were doing this shoot!
I love them all!!!



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The man who holds me together! |
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One of my absolute favorites! |
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Kevin loves Talking to Tate! |
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Almost lost it here. Such a blessing to carry our little guy! He has made me a better person! |
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I have no words. Natalie knows how to capture the moment! |
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
Friday, February 25, 2011
Making a Birth Plan
Making a birth plan is harder than I ever imagined it would be.
I have a pen and a blank page, trying so desperately to come up with the "right" decisions for Tates little life.
I have looked online for other tri-18 families birth plans.
After talking to UAB, I feel they are going to do whatever we choose is right.
BUT I keep coming back to a blank page.
How do I plan for this?
How do I make these decisions?
What if I make the wrong choices?
I know with the Lords help I can do it, but let me be human for a minute and say
Friday, February 18, 2011
Today our worst fear came true
Today our worst fear came true.
Our son has been diagnosed with Trisomy 18.
There are no words to express what I feel right now. Its hard to imagine Tate moving, kicking and squirming around that he, in a medical standpoint, will have no chance of survival outside the womb. I will praise and worship the One who has the power to heal my son!
There are no words to express what I feel right now. Its hard to imagine Tate moving, kicking and squirming around that he, in a medical standpoint, will have no chance of survival outside the womb. I will praise and worship the One who has the power to heal my son!
While David and I cried on the kitchen floor, we I feel the presence of The Lord telling us to simply trust Him. ....and that is what we will do.
I dont know what each day will hold much less this minute. All I know is....
I dont know what each day will hold much less this minute. All I know is....
"God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble."
Psalm 46:1
an ever-present help in trouble."
Psalm 46:1
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